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WV-SFV481, SFN480 Firmware (Chinese) | Panasonic Business Solutions


WV-SFV481, SFN480 Firmware (Chinese)

   How to upgrade firmware in 2 steps.
   (Click here for detail)
  • In case of firmware updating from 1.xx to 2.xx, you have to upgrade version 9.99 once, then upgrade 2.xx. Also for upgarding from 2.xx to 4.10 (or earlier), you have to upgrade version 4.00 once, then upgrade 4.10 (or later).

  • Please click here to request the firmware version 9.99 as providing the firmware is on request only; complete the form with the model number of your camera and "Request firmware version 9.99", then click "Submit" button.
    Please clear the cache memory or access with another internet browser if you cannot access the form.

  • To users of WV-SAE200 TYPE3 version 1.15 (or older). Please upgrade both firmware version 2.01 (or newer) and WV-SAE200 TYPE3 version 1.15 (or newer). Or, keep current firmware version with WV-SAE200 TYPE3 version 1.15 (or older).

File information

Document type: Firmware
File Size: 46 MB
File Format: ZIP
Version: V4.80
Modified Date: 08 Dec 2021
Product: WV-SFV481, WV-SFN480

Detailed File Information